
Nevo Werner-Reiss won the Best Student Poster Award in ATTO9: the 9th International conference on attosecond science and technology

We are proud to share that our undergraduate student, Nevo Werner-Reiss, won the Best Student Poster Award in ATTO9: the 9th International conference on attosecond science and technology, for his poster titled “Towards quantum state tomography of attosecond pulses by FROG-CRAB” which summarizes his project conducted under the supervision of prof. Oren Cohen and PhD student Matan Even Tzur.
FROG CRAB (Frequency-Resolved Optical Gating for Complete Reconstruction of Attosecond Pulses) is a method for characterizing the classical temporal shape of extreme ultraviolet pulses with attosecond (10^-18sec) scale duration. Nevo extends FROG CRAB to characterize the quantum light properties of such pulses. The  that can be produced by illuminating gas with bright squeezed light [1] 
More than 150 posters were presented during the conference, most of which by graduate students.

Congratulations Nevo!

[1] Matan Even Tzur, Michael Birk, Alexey Gorlach, Michael Krueger, Ido Kaminer and Oren Cohen, Photon-statistics force in ultrafast electron dynamics, Nature Photonics, 17, 501 (2023).