Investigation of the Josephson vortex system in Bi2212 and Bi2223 via microwave dissipation induced by AC shaking

TYPECondensed Matter Seminar
Speaker:D. Shaltiel
Affiliation:Physics department, The Hebrew university of Jerusalem
Organizer:M. Reznikov
Location:Lidow Nathan Rosen (300)
Abstract:Experimental results on Josephson vortex systems in high anisotropic superconductors obtained using Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) technique are presented. Their analysis indicates that the AC magnetic field of the EPR spectrometer induces microwave dissipation via interaction with the Josephson vortices (JV) [1]. No microwave dissipation has been observed by the AC magnetic field interacting with Abrikosov vortex system. The dissipation results from the AC shaking of the Josephson Vortices (JV) interacting with the microwave magnetic field [2].  The unique property where the AC field induces strong microwave dissipation when interacting with the JV but almost none when interacting with Abrikosov vortices (AV), enables the study of various properties of the JV system that, to our knowledge, have not been observed by other techniques.
In this talk I shall  discuss a way to interpret the experimental results obtained by EPR in high anisotropy superconductors such as Bi2212 and Bi2223.  I shall discuss the following phenomena, investigated with EPR:
1) JV pinning strength dependence on inter-vortex interaction.
2) Magnetic field memory effect impressed into the JV system.
3) Vortex phase in the JV system.
4) Interaction between JV and PV in tilted magnetic fields.
5) Irreversibility effect in JV systems.
Finally I shall discuss a possibility to investigate small and nano-scale superconducting systems

[1] D. Shaltiel, J Low Temp. phys.  103, 383 (2003).
[2] D. Shaltiel, H.-A. Krug von Nidda, A loidl, B. Rosenstein, B. Ya. Shapiro, I. Shapiro, T. Tamegai and B. Bogoslavski, Phys. Rev. B, 77, 014508 (2008).