Relativistic hydrodynamics and the gauge gravity duality

Organizer:Amos Yarom, Oren Bergman, Gilad Lifshcytz
Dates:26.05 - 30.05.2013
Time:All Day
Location:Lewiner Seminar Room (412)

Relativistic hydrodynamics play an important role in understanding many aspects of nuclear physics, astrophysics and cosmology. Over the last few years a connection between the behavior of event horizons and fluid dynamics has been realized. This connection has lead to the discovery of novel hydrodynamic behavior of gauge-theory fluids and superfluids and an improved understanding of the thermalization of such systems. This workshop aims at bringing together experts from different fields in order to consolidate and develop this new approach to understanding fluid dynamics and black holes with an eye towards turbulence, black hole formation and the uniqueness of solutions.


Tentative list of participants:
S. Bhattacharyya (HRI, India)
G. Falkovich (Weizmann institute)
C. Herzog* (Stony Brook)
K. Jensen (University of Victoria)
P. Kovtun (University of Victoria)
R. Loganayagam* (Harvard)
S. Minwalla (TIFR, India)
R. Myers* (Perimeter institute)
Y. Oz (Tel Aviv University)
M. Rangamani (Durham University)
L. Yaffe* (University of Washington)