Gravity's Hologram

Speaker:Professor Hirosi Ooguri
Location:Lidow Rosen Auditorium (323)


At the Planck scale, where general relativity and quantum mechanics are

unified, the hierarchical structure of nature is expected to terminate.

Space and time do not exist beyond the Planck scale, and they should

emerge from something more fundamental. Superstring theory has provided an

insight into the emergence of space and time at the Planck scale. Hologram

is a term in optics, and it means encoding geometric data of a

3-dimensional object on a 2-dimensional surface so that the 3-dimensional

image can be reconstructed later. In superstring theory, all the phenomena

in quantum gravity can be projected onto a screen located at boundaries of

space, and they can be described using a quantum theory without gravity on

the screen. Borrowing the terminology of optics, this idea is called

gravity's hologram. I will discuss motivations and implications of this

new description of quantum theory of gravity.

At the Planck scale, where general relativity and quantum mechanics are unified, the hierarchical structure of nature is expected to terminate.Space and time do not exist beyond the Planck scale, and they shouldemerge from something more fundamental. Superstring theory has provided aninsight into the emergence of space and time at the Planck scale. Hologramis a term in optics, and it means encoding geometric data of a3-dimensional object on a 2-dimensional surface so that the 3-dimensionalimage can be reconstructed later. In superstring theory, all the phenomenain quantum gravity can be projected onto a screen located at boundaries ofspace, and they can be described using a quantum theory without gravity onthe screen. Borrowing the terminology of optics, this idea is calledgravity's hologram. I will discuss motivations and implications of thisnew description of quantum theory of gravity.