Electron Interactions and THz studies in a Single-walled Carbon nanotube and in Graphene

TYPECondensed Matter Seminar
Speaker:Prof. Daniel Prober
Affiliation:Depts. of Applied Physics and Physics, Yale University
Location:Lidow Nathan Rosen (300)

We have studied the electron energy loss processes in individual single-walled cnts of very high quality. (1) We are currently conducting studies of Terahertz absorption to find Plasmon spatial resonances of an individual swcnt, to verify the predictions for a Luttinger liquid.(2)  We report mechanisms of energy loss and far-infrared absorption.  Analogous studies of electron-phonon scattering in graphene have only been reported at high temperatures, or at very high electron densities,  ≥ 10-13 /cm2.  We discuss the prospects for such studies of graphene at lower temperatures and densities.

1. "Energy loss of the electron system in individual single-walled carbon nanotubes," D.F. Santavicca, J.D. Chudow, D.E. Prober, M.S. Purewal and P. Kim, Nano Lett. 10, 4538 (2010); also Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 223503 (2011), and APL to appear (see www.yale.edu/proberlab).


2. “Luttinger Liquid Theory as a model of the Gigahertz Electrical Properties of Carbon

nanotubes” P. J. Burke, IEEE Trans. Nanotech. 1, p.129 (2002)